
Word of the week: gumption!

I absolutely love the word "gumption" and know so many splendid, courageous women who embody this particular quality, and lead their lives boldly. I looked up the exact meaning on dictionary.com, since I was throwing the word around on a daily basis, and today I'd like to share it with you.

gump·tion / [guhmp-shuhn]
1. courage; spunk; guts: It takes gumption to quit a high-paying job.
2. initiative; aggressiveness; resourcefulness.
3. common sense; shrewdness.
[Origin: 1710–20; orig. Scots] —Related forms gump·tion·less, adjective; gumptious, adjective.

Send us some more words that you use to describe your friends, role models, mentors, and teachers!

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